Friday, July 26, 2013

All about me...

Blog:   update on me

Summer continues to speed through the season with abandon.  We have been blessed with awesome weather, even on the Washington coast!  The beauty of the area takes your breath away.



We spent three weeks in June in Bremerton to complete our annual medical needs. As with last year things didn’t quite go as smoothly as we had hoped. The cataract surgery I was hoping for in June could not be scheduled until July 18th.  I’ve had the first eye done and now have better vision in that eye than I did with my glasses on. WOW! 
The whole procedure only took about 1 hour and 45 minutes from start to finish. The actually lens replacement takes about 15 minutes.  I remember talking with the pre-op crew and then waking up and told time to go home. Although my doctor said I spoke to him during surgery and after….I have no memory of that ever happening. Good thing Derrille was with me.  Gotta love those drugs!  I am looking forward to getting the next eye done on August 1st.  


 I’m was not supposed to bend over/down for the first week. Do you know how many things in the RV require bending down to retrieve?  I’ve also noticed how often I drop things, a bit of food as I prep the salad, a piece of clothing, soap in the shower, etc.  I glance down, only to say “oh dear”. Whoever is nearby, usually Derrille, helps me retrieve it.  I’ve also gotten creative with my toes and sometimes using a deep knee bend. The eye is a magnificent organ, which most people take for granted.  It heals fast.  For cataract removal that healing includes lots and lots of eye drops!  Cataract surgery for most people, falls into the category of a “nothing” surgery….quick, no pain and few if any complications. You wear an eye patch home from surgery and until you see the doctor the next day.  Then the patch is only for sleeping to protect the eye from pressure or unconcious rubbing.
Some of you know about my summer surprise, but for those of you who don't have the whole story.

I also saw my primary physician in June and told him of my severe shoulder pain.  He referred me to the clinic’s new shoulder doctor for a consultation.  We expected more cortisone shots or some other medication to give me pain relief. Originally, my appointment was scheduled for late August.  Fortunately I was given a cancellation appointment in mid-July.  The nurse said I could only have one shoulder x-rayed that day and to pick one.  I did.  Then Dr. Rankin reviewed my x-rays and sent me to have the other shoulder done.


My shoulder x-rays show lots of osteoarthritis from wear and tear. However the damage extends beyond arthritis.  I'm currently bone on bone in both shoulders with the ball abrading the socket. I've always been strong and probably lifted, toted and pushed more weight than healthy. Years of carrying books, pushing desk and legal filing cabinets around, doing heavy yard work, helping Derrille move things like a wooden garage door etc etc didn't help. Swimming laps for 55 minutes daily may not have helped worn joints either. For pain management I currently take four Aleve a day, use Apercreme, do exercises for my shoulder. and need three ice packs to make it through the night.  It hurts to shake someone's hand or go over a bump in the car. I'm looking forward to less pain.....sooner than later.

Dr. Rankin said they were equally bad and each one needs a shoulder replacement.  He voiced surprise that I had fairly good range of motion given the conditions of the bone-on-bone on each side.  I liked him immediately. His knowledge, the questions he asked and his manner spoke of a very competent doctor.  He’s part of the orthopedic office that includes Dr. VanBuecken, Derrille’s knee surgeon.

Then the ball started rolling.  Both my primary physician and my ophthalmologist gave their OK for the surgery.  My surgery date for the first shoulder will be August 5th.  It’s one day in the hospital, next day out. The first shoulder will be replaced at Harrison Hospital, and the second at the new orthopedic surgery center in Silverdale. Please no visitors, I expect to be sound asleep. The drugs do that to me. The next step states five weeks in a sling and then 3-4 months of serious rehab twice a week. We are hoping that I’ll be doing well enough to head south in late November for the very special wedding of one of Jason’s friends. With Derrille as an exercise coach/drill master J we feel positive about reaching the goal.

 Yea for technology and replacement parts!

We will continue to live at Fort Flagler after the surgery and until we go to the beach for Labor Day. Then we will move to Cedar Glen RV in Poulsbo for the time it takes to rehab my shoulder. Cancelling our Oregon coast reservations for the fall was difficult.  We look forward to that each year. This year especially, since we planned to meet up with our Canadian friends a couple of times.  We will probably have to cancel most of November in San Diego.  I have my pre-op for the shoulder on July 29th and hope to know more then.  The second shoulder will be done next April, knocking out our springtime in San Diego.  I’ll miss staying in San Diego, and being with Jason and Desiree. We’ll just have to party hearty in December!

I found the blog an easier avenue to explain “what we are up to” than doing it over and over in separate emails.  I have several blogs waiting in the wings that I hope to post before I lose the use of my arm Aug. 5th.
Life continues to be an adventure.