San Diego....Chula Vista

Anyone for kayak fishing? |
As we sit in Chula Vista and view the happenings on San Diego Bay I was surprised to see these kayak fishermen on several occasions. Somehow this doesn't seen to be a comfortable way to fish.
Jumping Castle for a little girl's party. |
The Hispanic community loves to celebrate! Every weekend families arrive early in the morning to mark off an area for their invited guests. Often tables and chairs are delivered by friends or professional movers. Most families bring BBQs, many coolers, pinatas, jumping houses, and some bring volleyball nets. Music can be heard throughout the day. Tables decorated with colorful table cloths and decorations provide places for eating, beverage center, food and presents. Even though stake out starts about 6 am, and set up begins around 9 am, party attendees often show around 3 pm. Derrille and I are amazed that the actual party starts so late. The marine breezes begin to blow cold each day about 4 pm. The park hosts about 15-20 parties on any given weekend. On a holiday the number of parties may rise up to 50 groups. Each group brings in 20-40 people. What fun to watch!
Pinata to match the princess theme.
Not sure what this princess is for. |

The Hobi-Cat enthusiasts gathered in the park this spring. What a colorful sight! About 100 boats showed up for the races, to see friends, and of course to eat. I spent time walking around the boats and boaters. It amazes me that they sit on the flat mat and control the boat. Several boat owners brought alone teen and preteen age kids to help hang out over the water and provide ballast to maneuver the craft.

See the blue rectangle below the blue/white striped sail? That is where the sailors sit and maneuver the boat.
The boats are moved around with the help of the wheel assembly that acts as a small trailer.
The boats aren't very heavy.
Some of the awesome sights I view from my seat on the sofa in Chula Vista RV Resort include the wonderful sun sets as I look across to the Silver Strand.
Once in a while we take a trip to Coronado Island. This view looks directly north of the San Diego side of the bridge, out over the Navy Yard on this side.
Traveling across the high Coronado bridge offers some great views of San Diego and the boats in one of the many harbors off the island.
I find it interesting that all of the boats are moored in such straight rows.
The elegance of the Hotel Coronado speaks to another era. Pricey boutiques occupy the lower floor. The intricate wood work in the lobby displays the artisan work of long ago. The hotel greets many local and tourist visitors daily. During the holidays some people make it a tradition to visit the hotel and view the decor.
Derrille and our son Jeff visit here on the beach. Can you guess who is in the water photographing the hotel? :)
It's raining again today on our Southern Oregon beach. I feel like some migrating birds who know the time is close to head for a warmer climate.
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