Friday, November 9, 2012


The pool water felt brisk....well downright chilly this morning. After a weekend in the low 80's, we had several days of cooler weather and nights of rain. The pool's heater didn't keep up. Of course once I got moving the water felt great. Fall has descended upon Chula Vista. Rain spattered against the RV roof the past two nights. Sooty pillows of clouds filled the sky as I swam. The autumn breeze blowing south from San Diego unfurled the flag about 75%. The palm tree tops swayed visibly rustling their green fronds. As the wind picked up and the sky darkened my brain thought..hmmm..perhaps being in this outdoor pool isn't my best choice right now. Then off to the west cracks of blue sky began to break through the gray pillows. Soon the sun appeared and white pillow shaped clouds floated against a blue sea. I put in 50 minutes of laps before getting out. Rain sprinkled threateningly several times during the day, but the temperature was still OK for a t-shirt and jeans. It was a Costco shopping day. When the sun shone down upon the pool today, I thought of my friend Liz and things for which I'm thankful. The warmth of the sun on my face rates high on the list, as does having this pool mostly to myself every day. I read an interesting piece on gratitude the other day. The article said "being thankful can be good for your health". It cited a 2011 study at Kent State University that "found people who wrote letters of gratitude experienced greater happiness and more satisfaction with their lives." Next a reference was made to a 2007 study at the University of Cal-Davis and the Missisippi University for Women. "That study looked at organ transplant patients who kept 'gratitude journals' of people andthings for which they were grateful. Research found they fared better health-wise than folks who didn't keep the journals" Perhaps that can be a lesson for us to acknowledge the good things in our lives, even if some of us have to search for something each day. With the news reports on the people in the East recovering from Sandy and the N'easterner, people on the west coast can easily find those things. Good prep for a good Thanksgiving.
Have you seen this photo of the Arlington Tomb of the Unknown Soldier? This special guard unit continued their vigilent watch throughout the assault by Sandy. Some of you may remember that Derrille and I had the opportunity to watch the changing of the guard when visiting Arlington. The ceremony remains breathtaking, and rates as one of the high points of that trip. The precision used in each watch and each changing of the guard impresses all who watch. You could hear a pin drop among those of us viewing the ceremony.
The bird of paradise flower stands in clumps all over the park. This photo of the plant shows where the flower probably got its name. Another something for the thankful list.
A small rose garden lines each side of one end of the main complex. I love roses and enjoy watching them bloom even as autumn comes to Chula Vista. A variety of flower blooms decorate the roadways and home in around the area here.
The park is celebrating Veteran's Day in grand style. This interior garden feels festive. This afternoon hundreds of small American flags were "planted" along the entrance roads. A dinner is planned for Monday.
As long as I'm musing....Five of my lady friends and I went out to lunch on Thursday. This week we visited one of area's Crazee Burgers restaurant. Food was great! The menu offers interesting choices of cheeses and accompanying toppings. One section of the menu also offers burgers from: buffalo, kangaroon, turkey, vegan, etc. For you beer drinkers, they have 16 brews on tap. The ladies had their usual fun outing!

1 comment:

  1. I love the Bird of Paradise. I've got a plant I've nurtured from see -- bought it when we were in the Canary Islands with Amanda and the boys YEARS ago. It keeps growing but no flower yet. However it's fun to keep watching it to see when the flower will appear.
