Friday, August 30, 2013

Shouler Replacement

Shoulder Replacement


Are you one of the inquiring minds wondering about a shoulder replacement?  The number of shoulder replacement comes in third to hips and knees.  Modern technology continues to improve our medical options at lightning speed.


The UltraSlingII represents the state-of-the-art wear for the shoulder replacement recipient. A contour pillow holds the arm at the correct angle away from the body.  A mid-drift strap keeps the pillow in place.  The adjustable strap around the neck keeps everything at the correct height.  This model even has a little red ball attached to the end to exercise my hand. My new accessory remains in place 24/7 for five weeks!   The sling comes off for exercise and bathing. I've added an old sock to my arm to lessen the irritation from the interior of the sling fabric. 

We have 8 flexibility exercises to do 4-6 times a day. These started the same day as surgery. Pendulum exercises let the arm hang down from the shoulder while rocking the body to create four different kinds of motion. The other four gently move the arm up and down. Derrille helps with two that can’t be done alone.


  The doctor used 20 staples to close me up. Staples come out 10 days after surgery. Staple removal takes just a couple of minutes.
  Steri-strips help support the closure.  They literally fall off within a week.

 The new metal ball and plastic socket feel no pain. So just like Derrille’s new knee the sharp, piercing pain disappears. What you feel can be described as discomfort…perhaps similar to a long day of gardening, or after the first day of ski season.  Your muscles and soft tissue yell a bit.  The amount of discomfort varies with each person, time of day, amount of activity, etc.  Heavy medication for the first couple of weeks and lots of ice packs helps. Derrille thinks I might want the heavy meds if PT gets strenuous. We’ll see. I do sleep with about six pillows.

 Since both of my shoulders are equally bad, my non-surgery arm isn’t able to help support the other. My new right side offers some discomfort, but the left side still emits painful stabbing.  Fortunately for me, Derrille takes outstanding care of me, the cats, the chores and the RV.  He provides the extra hands I need each day.  I am currently scheduled to receive a new left shoulder the last week in April 2014. I can hardly wait! However six months is the required time between shoulder work.

One often asked question is “how did I ruin my shoulders?”  I’ve always been strong and rarely hesitated to lift, pull, or push things of considerable weight. I gardened for many years moving dirt, full planters, and ripping up sod with my hands. As a teacher I hauled several heavy packs of books every day for 30+ years…lifting in and out of the car between home and school. I rearranged student desks, bookshelves and full 4-drawer legal size file cabinets. I lifted a special needs student with a full torso brace out of her wheelchair and onto the floor.  I over loaded laundry baskets with RV supplies and carried them between the house and RV. Looking back I basically, and unknowing, abused my shoulders.

After we leave the beach Labor Day event, we will live in Poulsbo to complete 2 ½ months of rehab. Our goal remains to be at Stevie and Marina’s wedding Nov. 30th in San Diego.  In April we return to the NW for a repeat performance with a new left shoulder. 

 During this process I’ve become acutely aware that what I’m experiencing is really nothing compared to our Wounded Warriors.  I urge you to pray for them as they travel the difficult road to recovery.

 How fortunate we are to live in these times. Through science and technology we can enjoy a better quality of life with a lot less pain. Derrille and I believe when it affects the quality of your life don't hesitate, don't rationalize, and don't second guess. Agree to the procedure and do what the doctor says. Deligent rehab provides a successful experience.

Hurray for replacement parts!  

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